Te laat voor de Algemene Beschouwingen
Dit leerde mijn dochter deze week op de Amerikaanse College: regels samen in de klas opgesteld.
Jammer genoeg net te laat om even naar de Tweede Kamer door te sturen voor de Algemene Beschouwingen, maar nooit echt te laat:
Guidelines for Discussion
created by the class, Monday, September 21, 2009
1) Keep an open mind.
2) Respect each other, and each
3) Be aware of emotional distress, your own and others’. Know your limits.
4) Be willing to communicate your feelings about the way a discussion is unfolding.
5) Extend the benefit of the doubt to each other. If someone says something with which you disagree, or that makes you angry and uncomfortable, ask, “Why did you say that?” or something similar. Don’t assume the worst, but do insist that people take responsibility for their words.
6) Don’t make assumptions about each other, or why someone holds a given belief.
7) Participate. Listen; allow time for people to respond; reflect on what others are saying; ask questions; be prepared for class (mentally and physically); find a method of staying engaged that works for you; acknowledge other people as they speak.
8) Don’t take things personally.
9) Remember we are all from different places and were raised in different ways. Value these differences.
10) Remember that discussion is not a competition.
11) Allow expansiveness of discussion. We are not only interested in “facts” but in theories, ideas, and possibilities.
12) Think before you speak.
13) Don’t hold grudges. Every new class period is a new beginning.
14) What happens in FP stays in FP. Respect the trust placed in you when others share something difficult or personal, and keep it confidential.
15) Have courage.
Lotte: O.a. regel 13 kwam ongeveer van mij. Ik probeerde ze het principe van ‘Geen oude koeien uit de sloot halen’ uit te leggen. Juist. Probeer dat maar es te vertalen
Ik heb wel vertrouwen in dat College!